
MVM Dome multifunctional arena/sports hall

Builder: KKBK
Contractor: Market Építő Ltd.
Client: BIM Design Kft.
Location: Budapest, Népliget
Years: 2020-21
~12 tons

Project subject:
Structural design and detailing of the external escape stairs.

The steel escape stairs were made 4 pieces, each of which were different. 2-2 are identical in main geometry, but are mirror images of each other. One staircase weighs approximately 3 tonnes without walkways and treads.

Our task was to design a visual element of unconventional design. Our task was even complicated by the need to adapt to a constantly changing structure under construction in a Design&Build type of project.

The challenges of modelling:
-The structure must fit the building facade, following its curve and slope as closely as possible. It was necessary to consult with the architects throughout the whole design process.
– In order to achieve an airy effect, the structure had very little surface area to rest on the ground, so large spans had to be bridged and structurally solved within the given very limited cross sections.
– Much of the structure is exposed and therefore care had to be taken in the design of the nodes to ensure their final aesthetic appearance
– From a surface treatment point of view, the entire structure is galvanized, so the design of the fabrication had to take into account the limitations of the technology.
– The design of the Stephuit N stair treads and walkway required unique joints, where close liaison with the product manufacturer and the steel structure fabrication was necessary during the design process.
– With the stairs being connected to prefabricated reinforced concrete piers, care had to be taken to ensure proper adjustability, which could result from the dimensional inaccuracy of the reinforced concrete structure. Here, we liaised with the construction company, which provided us with on-site measurements of the position of the pillars
– Due to the special curved and spiral elements the steel manufacturer was consulted to ensure that the drawings were properly interpreted.